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Need help with setting up your NHS App, accessing Property Pool or searching for a job online, pop down where help will be on hand.


The following organisations will be on hand to give help and advice.

  • Mid-Mersey Digital Alliance – will help people set up their NHS app and find out more about how it works such as online prescriptions, booking appointments, checking medical records.
  • FACE – will be promoting their digital support sessions and any other adult learning course they have
  • Library Service – come and talk to us about setting up Borrowbox, accessing our Home Delivery Service, BFI Replay and our free public PCs
  • IT Mersey – find out how to volunteer or attend the volunteer drop in sessions we have in our libraries
  • Knowsley Works – will be on hand to explain how they can support you finding work such as help writing a CV, filling in applications, training sessions etc.
  • Liverpool City Region Digital Inclusion Network – will be promoting all they work they do across the Merseyside region in terms of helping people become digital
  • Citizen Advice Bureau – provide advice to residents on anything ranging from benefits, employment and debt
  • LIVV Housing – customers can come and find out more about housing pool
  • Ways into Work (Liverpool City Region) support people who need help returning to work
  • Merseyside Police Cyber Crime Unit – learn how to protect your data online
  • Council Digital team – help you navigate the new council website and find out how you can contact the council online.
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