Knowsley Library Service
You do not need to be a member to enter and spend time in any of Knowsley Libraries. Our libraries are all free and accessible spaces that are open to anyone, regardless of where you live or where you were born. Library membership, use of library PCs and wi-fi are all free. By registering to become a member of Knowsley Library Service you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions.
- To join you must provide us with one proof of ID (paper or digital ID is sufficient) and it is mandatory that you provide either an email address or current mobile number.
- You can borrow up to 10 books at any one time. The standard loan period is 21 days.
- All items borrowed must be returned or renewed by the date given at the time of issue. Items which have been reserved cannot be renewed and must be returned.
- Items can be renewed in person, by phone or online.
- You are responsible for all items borrowed on your library card, including any lost/damaged items which must be paid for if they are not returned.
- You are responsible for informing us of any changes to your personal details, for example change of address, contact details.
- Items that are never returned will incur a charge that will be added to your account that requires to be paid.
- Customers who have charges of £20 or more on their account will not be able to borrow any item or use the public PCs until the balance is below £20.
- All items can be returned to any Knowsley Library.
- Customers can hold one library account only.
- Library cards are not transferrable. If you let someone else borrow items on your card you are still responsible for all items issued.
- Parents/carers remain responsible for the children in their care whilst in the library. Library staff will not take responsibility for children of any age left unattended in the library. Staff may contact relevant authorities if a child under eight is left alone or if there are concerns over a child’s wellbeing.
- You must treat all staff and fellow customers with respect and consideration.
- Use of Public IT equipment including internet facilities in all our libraries is available in agreement with the Acceptable Use Policy.
- Breach of the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension or cancellation of your access to public IT equipment.
- All visitors to the library are expected to behave according to the library byelaws.