Find days/times for all of the below on our calendar page
Reading Group
Love reading? Like sharing good books? Come and join one of our friendly, informal reading groups where you can relax and talk about books with other group members. Check with the library in advance as these groups can be oversubscribed.
Craft Group
Popular craft groups at Prescot and Stockbridge Village libraries. For adults of any age/gender who are keen crafters whether beginners or experienced. We welcome people who are interested in any type of craft from needlework, patchwork, knitting, crochet, appliqué – the list goes on! Those who are more experienced in a particular craft are always happy to help beginners and there is often an exchange of ideas in the group with individuals helping to teach each other new skills. Check with the library in advance as these groups can be oversubscribed.
Wool Crafts & Chat Group
Relaxed and informal, our friendly group welcomes anyone with an interest in knitting at any level. Telephone or enquire at the branch in advance to check if there are group places available.
Please Note: In order to deliver the best levels of service to our customers, our groups have limits on attendance numbers. If you would like to attend any of our groups, you are advised to contact the branch for information on availability in the first instance.