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The Bookcase Podcast

We are delighted to introduce our new Knowsley Library podcast, The Bookcase.

The podcast aims to bring you insightful book chat, whether you’re interested to hear about what inspires authors, or would like to hear tips to fuel your own creative writing.

Also, you can hear about the origins of words or phrases with our Word of the Week segment, and also follow our quick fire quiz each episode and see if you can fare any better than our guests!

Episode 1 – Interview with author Oliver Harris

In this episode, we’ll be chatting to acclaimed writer and academic Oliver Harris about his inspirations, approaches to writing and themes explored, as well as his advice to aspiring writers.
We will also share our word of the week and introduce our quick fire quiz.

Podcast episodes can be played directly through a web browser by clicking the link attached to each episode.

The Bookcase is also available on Spotify, and soon to become available on other platforms including Apple.

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